SWAN Community Council response to Goverrmment Planning Proposals
The Council has prepared a thorough response to the Government’s consultation on the relaxation of Planning laws. Whilst we had some concerns, our general view was that a review was needed. That was mainly because, in the Council’s view, local planning authorities were too inward looking, the Ashford Local Plan to 2030 is based on possibly fallacious data, the current planning system which effectively limits the supply of new homes is the chief reason for high land prices and the dearth of affordable accommodation and the community rarely gets an opportunity to influence the type of developments that are needed and in keeping with the nature of their area.
Click on the link for the full version SWAN CC Planning Response
Contact Details
Invicta Business Centre
Trade Unit 8
Ashford Market
Orbital Park
TN24 0HB
Email: clerk@southwillesboroughnewtown-cc.gov.uk
Phone: 01233 528 933 (dial full number)
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